Friday, June 12, 2015

Good in Goodbye!

Hey Mighty Warriors, How y'all doing tonight?! I hope you guys have had a great week! So todays blog post is about relationships, friendships and maybe for some of you, you can relate from a marriage or divorce stand point. Today's scripture reading comes from John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.My first question to all of you is  " Do any of you see the "good" in goodbye? From my own personal life I can tell you that I now do see the good. I was reading a devotion out of my Beth Moore devotional book and this is the reading. Hear the Word of God:
I wouldn't for a minute minimize the pain of a relationship broken by unreasonable-or, at the very least, unsustainable-expectations. I've knelt with too many weeping women at the altar of my church sanctuary only to learn that they needed prayer over feelings deeply hurt by someone sitting elsewhere in that room. When such a close and dependable relationship is injuriously severed, the knife penetrates to the exact depth we've invited them into our private lives. Indeed, one of the primary reasons we're so wounded is because the person knew what we we were going through and still abandoned us. What I'm about to say can be painful to hear, but I pray that God will use it toward someone's healing: sometimes a person abandons us not in spite of what we're going through, but directly because of it. They either ran out of answers or they ran out of energy and no longer had the wherewithal to go through it with us. If our helping friends actually did something that overtly wronged us, they bear responsibility before God for that. But if they wronged us only by running out of fuel and dropping out of the struggle, we might need to realize they've done all they felt they could humanly do and let them go without bitterness or anger. 
Our friendships and our spouses are only human, and our expectations for them-especially when we're hurting - can require superhuman insight and strength. No wonder they let us down. Just remember Mighty Warriors that Jesus the one who came and died for you He won't every say goodbye and He will never abandon you. HE LOVES YOU!!!!!! He loves you enough to die for you to save you and most of all to redeem you! Live in that truth Mighty Warriors.

I have had a lot of friends and adults abandon me in my life because of the way I act and just more for the fact they couldn't bear to be my friend anymore. I have spent many nights awake asking myself "Do they care about me? I wonder if they miss me" Truth is in my mind I think they will come back but deep down in my heart I know they ain't coming back. IT all happened within a blink of an eye. I held onto a friendship and it ended in the worst way possible. Yes I still see this friend at church but I am terrified of her. I don't know what to say or how to act around her. It's like she is just there waiting for me to screw up and so she can make fun of me. Mighty Warriors relationships and friendships there hard. My mom always told me find good friends, have good fun and enjoy the moments. My moments with friends were always traumatizing and I don't say that with any exaggeration I mean being bullied took a huge toll on my life and than having adults also walk out of my life in some way has damaged my view on friendships. I will be honest I find it hard to trust people. Because I live in that fear of being abandoned. Two adult women gone from my life in a blink of an eye its hard. But with my time living at the facility I am at has in a way helped me see the good in the goodbyes I had to say. I pray for all you mighty warriors who maybe are in this same boat right now. I pray God brings his calming peace into your life and may your life not be bitter because of what your relationships have broken inside of you. May you see the good in where you are at in your life and maybe one day you will look up to the sky and say "Thank God we aren't friends anymore" or "Thank God I didn't marry that man/women. God has your life planned. He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you Hope and a Future.
That's my weekend blog update I hope y'all enjoy it.
The song I want you to look up is Carrie Underwood "Good in Goodbye"
This song really speaks to me in so many ways. I am so thankful for this womens strong faith and for her wisdom and knowledge.
Blessings to all

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