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Echo |
Hey Mighty Warriors. I apologize it has been a while since I wrote an update. If you want to also stay connected with me check out Mighty Mariah's facebook page. I am also on Twitter just look up Mighty Mariah. This blog update is one I am really excited about I can't wait for you guys to read this. So first off let me ask "How many of you guys like to listen to hip hop/rap music? What is your favorite hip hop artist? Well for me personally I at first didn't really care for hip hop/rap. But then I found an artist who not only do I know but this mans music as been such an inspiration on me. This mans name is Echo. And I was able to have an exclusive interview with him on his life story,music and faith. Now this interview I asked the questions but he typed me up his answers and he put it in a good format so I just copied and pasted the document. Now there are a couple of reasons to why I did that. 1. Because I don't want to change the wording of his answers. And I wanted to be honest with you that I did copy and paste the interview document. So I invite you to sit back and enjoy this exclusive interview with a Mighty Warrior who enjoys not only rapping but spreading the word and truth about a Mighty Savior.
How are you doing echo?
I’m doing well, Mariah, hope all is well with you!
So I have several questions I would like to ask you for my blog.
Go for it!
When did u find your calling to be a rapper?
That’s going to take a trip down my memory lane… It wasn’t necessarily that I always grew up thinking, yeah, I’m going to be a rapper. In fact, until I was about 16-17 if you asked me or told me I’d be a rapper I’d probably looked shocked, confused, or not understand you. But God grabbed a hold of me through this genre, and by 16 I was starting to see the need for my state, Iowa, to have a rapper who talked about real life, but also pointed them to a hope they need. Then, by 17, after some recording and some demo songs, I finally released my first single, “The Youth,” and since then have continued to be pressed on my heart and in my life to use the platform of music, especially in the genre of hip hop/rap, to reach and impact the youth culture. I couldn’t say there was a certain day, but when I started receiving messages about how my second single, “Free,” was being used by God to move in people’s hearts, I knew He had me doing this for a reason.
Who is someone you admire that motivated you to become a rapper?
LECRAE. That dude has not only been one of my favorite artists of all time but was the man God used to wake my dead and complacent soul. He’s been such a role model and inspiration to me. I would say he, TobyMac, and Grits were some of the earlier day motivators for me. And now, there are so many I love and are inspired by on the daily.
What is one piece of advice you want my readers to hear?
Don’t let anyone tell you you cannot pursue your dreams and passions. God uniquely crafted you to chase after the passions that were breathed into your existence. Be careful, I’m not saying if you want to be a singer, an actress, or something big, to do it just so you can be famous and get a lot money. This is a heart thing, God created in your heart a passion to live and do something. You have to find what that is for yourself, and CHASE IT.
What is the story behind the band name Echo?
Echo is actually the name for me as the rapper of the band, my band is comprised of Ben Nordemeyer (Lead Guitarist) , Becca (Vocalist), Jacob Lubinus (Drummer), and myself (rapper.)
How did you come up with the name? Is there a story behind it?
The name came while I was trying to decide what my rap name should actually be. I knew my actual name would be hard not only to pronounce but hard to spell and just all around hard for people to catch onto. I was listening to a song called, “Echo” by Canton Jones, which in the chorus sings I’ll be an Echo, Echo, Echo, hey, hey, I’mma say what you say.
I really liked the message of that song, and the concept of that as well. When someone listens to my music, I don’t want them looking to me and saying, wow he’s so amazing, and he’s doing that all by himself. NO! I want my lyrics to reflect what God wants to say to the youth, to this culture, and Echo those words to them. So when I got into the writing process, sure it is personal, sure it’s my words, but I make it a point that God is speaking through me what He wants to. Not just what I want to say or make it all about me. That’s how the name came about, and so far, has been a great foundation for us.
What is your favorite part about being a rapper?
For real being able to create music in my favorite genre. But more importantly that I have a better opportunity than most genres to go into depths about the topics I want to talk about, and knowing it’s impacting.
What hardships have you faced in life before you became a rapper that maybe you can tell us and how you got through those times.
Well, there have been quite a few, though I will say, praise God that I did go through them!
Something that definitely has affected my life has been my struggle with insecurity in myself, depressive thoughts, and definitely the time in my life I contemplated suicide.
Something you’ll realize when you continue to get to know me is I’m a broken man who’s faced, or been around, a lot that the world has to throw our way. During my late teen years, I had been struggling already with my identity, my faith, my purpose, and if anyone actually cared about me. As you can notice I was focusing so much on myself, my wants, my needs, that I was just slipping deeper into negative thoughts and my depression. I tried to seek satisfaction and appreciation in relationships and in my addictions, but they didn’t work, and it broke me even more, especially the fact that I didn’t let many people know about them. Finally, I came to a point where I thought nobody would truly care if I was gone, that maybe the world would actually be a better place if I was gone. Praise God that He used music and others around me to reach into my life and pull me out! It’s taken a long time for me to face my struggles, my scars, and my pain, but I take it one day at a time and declare with joy today that I didn’t choose suicide, that I didn’t let my loneliness and depression rule my life, but I let Jesus set me free from that! I’m not perfect and I still struggle through a lot, but that’s what life is, we struggle, we break, but if we continue to cling to Jesus, to get to know Him, and surround ourselves in community with others, we can experience the freedom, the joy, and the life we were meant to live!
Finally what is something you would like to share? It can be about faith, your life quotes or anything.
Honestly? What I’ve been talking about, pursue the passion God created in you, because that was in YOUR design, not for someone else to do for you. Also, live real. If you are struggling, be honest about it, if you are contemplating suicide, talk to someone about it and get friends and others around you to encourage and help strengthen you. I will say this, fixing my eyes, my heart and my mind on others and on Jesus has helped me steer away from my selfish desires to be focused on and noticed and appreciated by everybody. Focus on Jesus, not on what others think or want from you. Also, HAVE FUN. Jesus gave us freedom and a joy we could never attain!! That should give us reason to have the biggest party ever!!
Thanks for letting me do an exclusive interview with you, Echo. You are so inspiring to me! You rock! Keep rappin’
Hey Mighty Mariah, YOU rock, thanks for interviewing me, and for giving me a chance to express myself to you and your readers!
Mighty Warriors that was my exclusive Interview with Des Moines Rapper Echo! If you want more information on Echo
Check out Echo's official website!
I also want to give y'all an oppurtunity to hear a song sung by Echo.
Echo did a video called "What is love" This is actually a very small video clip and I encourage y'all to check it out!
Check out "What is love" here
I really enjoyed interviewing this Mighty Warrior! I want to end this blog update with writing out a prayer for Echo and his band of Mighty Warriors.
Dear Heavenly I want to take a moment and lift up Echo and His band to you. Father you work in the most mysterious and awesome ways. I love how you love us so much that you can't stand to leave us in our misery and pain that this world throws our way. You came to give us life and so that we could live it to the fullest. Father I want to lift up Echo and His band to you. Father I thank You for the work You have done and will continue to do in each one of their lives. Father I thank You for the gifts and talents You give each and every person in that band. Echos band shines for You every time they take the stage. Father I ask that you pour out a special blessing upon them. Continue to give Echo wisdom and knowledge as he writes songs and reaches the youth of this culture and make them see that there life has a purpose and that Father you made each one of us for a specific purpose. You are almighty. You don't make mistakes. Father life can bring challenges but when challenges arise may we grab your mighty hand and may we trust in your Mighty plan. You carried a rugged cross to Calvary. You got beaten, spit on, kicked and you got nailed to the cross, BECAUSE YOU LOVE YOUR BELOVED SON AND DAUGHTERS OF THIS WORLD!! You took the nails on that cross for US!!! You died to recieve glory you died to save us because you love us. You will do anything to fight for us your children. Father speak to Echo in new an awesome ways and may he breath in your truth grace and love every day for the rest of his life. I pray this all in your Mighty and holy and precious name Amen.
Blessings to all you Mighty Warriors out there.
Stay Mighty In Him alone
~ Mighty Mariah, Interviewer
~ Echo,Rapper and Mighty Warrior for Christ
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