Hey Mighty Warriors! How was your week? Was it busy? Did the week feel like it would go on forever? Anyway's this blog update is going to be about us and how we are Gods masterpiece. So lets start from the beginning actually lets go back even farther to when we were in our mothers womb. God knew us even then. He knew what you were going to look like, he knew what personality you were going to have. In fact He knows every hair thats on top of your head. What do you think of that? God creaated you. God designed you. To put you in even more awe....you....YOU are Gods MASTERPIECE! He is proud to call you His son/daughter! He rejoices over you! Now maybe for some your thinking "I can't see myself being a masterpiece" Maybe for some of you your thinking "I am broken and I am unfixable" Can I tell you something. You are made new in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! There is nothing that God can't fix and make new. There is nothing to bad for God to forgive. God sent His son to this earth to forgive the unforgiveable, love the unlovable and fix the unfixable....you are made new and you are redeemed by the blood of your Mighty Savior Jesus Christ. if you read this and don't remember anything remember this....GOD DOESN'T MAKE JUNK! His love for you has no boundaries. Another verse comes from Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. YOU ARE GODS MASTERPIECE! When I hear this verse I imagine me hanging on the wall of a famous museum (like the mona lisa) popular piece of art! When you go into a museum you look at all the cool art that people create and you think "WOW" what beautiful art...thats what God thinks of us. He is in awe of us. Now I was trying to find a song that would fit this blog update and I think I have a good one because it happens to be one of my favorites. Its by a band named Gungor-Beautiful Things Enjoy! While you listen to this song soak in the words. My favorite line out of this whole song is this. "You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of the dust. You make beautiful things,You make beautiful things out of us!!!"
He is in awe of his creation and how He created you. He loves you for you. Your unique and special self. Blessings to all you Mighty Warriors out there. Have a safe and blessed weekend.
If you have a prayer request feel free to send it to my email mightymariah.84@gmail.com or if you want to connect with me through social media like Mighty Mariahs Facebook page! Send your prayer requests to either of those and I will write you back with a written out prayer by me. I would love to pray for you and encourage you through!
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