Monday, April 29, 2013

Our HOPE is found in Christ!

Hey Everyone I hope you all are doing well on this beautiful Monday evening! Let me first start off by telling you "thank you" I am so thankful that my blog has reached as many people as it has! I hope my writing is inspiring and uplifting!
So this blog update is going to be about the HOPE that we find in Christ Jesus our Lord! So Lutheran church of Hope all campuses including West Des Moines, Johnston-Grimes, Des Moines and Ankeny have walked thru a 31 week series based on The Story. We just wrapped up the last chapter and I can see that we as a church have grown not just biblically fluent as a church but we have ALL grown in some way shape or form in our faith! Its been a lot of fun growing together!
Let me ask you this question what is faith to you? Just think about that for a second. Let me ask you another question...whats the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the word faith? Now let me ask you another question. What comes to mind when you think of fear? For me this is what comes to my mind for fear:
Now for Faith this is what comes to my mind:
Now for HOPE I have a five minute video that I would like to share with you! I watched this and man even I was moved by it! I know its five minutes but I am glad I watched it! It was uplifting and I hope this moves your heart just as it has mine! Here it is:
Hope in Christ alone!
So what did you think? Gods hope is for you! This world is full of sin and pain and sorrow and terror but God says "I am making ALL things new!" So to wrap up this blog I want to end with a song! Starry Night Chris August
Blessings to you all on this beautiful and starry night! If you would like to leave a comment feel free to do that!
Mighty Mariah
Lord you give us HOPE when we have none!

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