Hey Everybody! As we all start another week I want to share with you another blog update!
So how many have asked the question Can I do this? Will I be able too? Am i capable of doing this task or piece of work? I find myself asking this question a lot of times because I am not a very tall! I sometimes get frustrated with my size because sometimes i have to get a stool to stand on to complete that task and then I sometimes think "if I were taller I wouldn't need that stool and I wouldn't have to do that extra work" I will give you an example of what I mean! Last summer my family and I took a vacation down to Lake of the Ozarks beautiful place! Anyways one evening my family and I were going to go ride go carts! I got very excited because I love to drive go carts because I use to drive my golf cart in my old neighborhood anyways when we got to the go cart place their was a height requirement. My sister and I didn't get to do it because we were not tall enough and didn't reach the requirement! I was very discouraged because my size got in the way of me wanting to do an activity that I really wanted to do! So one night I was looking through my bible and I ran across this verse in the bible it is Philippians 4:13 It says I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength! I read that over and over again and then I thought I am not going to let my size get in the way of what I can do because with God ALL things are possible! So I think its just cool to hear that phrase "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength! Now theres something else I would like to add being strong doesn't always mean I can lift 100 pounds of weights or I am going through a really hard time in life I am strong enough I can get through it! Well can I tell you a little secret? You don't have to be STRONG ENOUGH. Here's the other cool part about not being strong enough. God carries it and He never...HE NEVER gives you more then you can handle! He carries your burdens and hurts if you let Him carry them for you! By his wounds we are healed! Which brings me to a song I heard at a concert I attended this past weekend! The song is called Strong enough and it is by song artist Matthew West! Great song and I hope you are hope filled and filled with Gods everlasting LOVE!
I hope you enjoyed listening to that song!
Well to wrap up I just want to say that throughout this week I hope you feel Gods love and presence!
Blessings to ALL throughout this week
Mighty Mariah
P.S Sorry I haven't updated lately I have been helping my sister and brother in law move into there new house! Congrats sis on getting your new house!
May God bless your home and your family!
Change isn't always easy but in the end it is a very rewarding!
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