Monday, January 13, 2020


"Do or Do not
there is no try"
- Yoda


Good evening Mighty Warriors, I know I have not posted in a while but I really think I need to be more diligent at writing on this blog because my words and my thoughts could help someone.
So tonight's blog is not going to be about reptiles. A lot of you probable thought I was going to right about frogs and there lives. Well take a breath I won't do that to you. So growing up whenever I would be frustrated with something about life, weather that be about school or friends my mom would always say frog. Well I honestly didn't know what she meant. So one day I asked her what it meant little did I know I was about to learn a life lesson. She asked me what do you think it stands for? I had no clue. She said it means Fully Rely On God. She said this one acronym helps me so much whenever I am struggling because it reminds me that I need to give it to God and rely on Him that He is going to take care of me. That night I went to bed and I just kept saying that over and over again but I am going to be honest with you I would say it but I wouldn't fully believe it.
Right now I am going through a season of life that is just very hard and frustrating and I will be honest I have not fully trusted God with this situation. Being diagnosed with many mental illnesses and health issues like seizures I never have really trusted God with that. I go to church and I hear messages and I hear songs in the car that I feel God means for me to hear just at the right time but there are times when I think that I am doing fine and I don't need help well let me be real with you I am always going to need God. I need to trust Him and his will for my life because Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future." I am starting to chew on this verse more and more as I go through these struggles of life. It's not easy and it takes a lot of chewing but thats Gods way of telling me I am here And I will be here through it all. So as God is starting to teach me about trusting him and relying on him I was thinking the key word that i used is I need to try well tonight as I was sitting in my chair pondering all the lectures and advice i have recieve the quote from Yoda came to my mind "Do or Do not there is no try" This quote is a simple lesson in commitment and the power in giving something our all —  not just giving it a try. So we may not try to use a force but we need to do the trusting because you either trust Him or you don't. There is no trying to trust. Another thing that yoda says is "you must unlearn what you have learned" and the only way we do that is digging deeper into His word and have faith that will get us to the destination He has called us to. We are not alone ever in life but another quote I read this week was sometimes God puts you in places ALONE, He needs you to realize you do NOT need anybody but Him. Now when i first heard that quote I read it as I need to leave my friends and be a loner. ABSOLUTELY NOT! This is a dark world people on this earth can't be your savior because there not. You may think you need to be with this person or family member to help you get through this but if you can't than go to your Savior the one that we celebrated this last christmas and who walked this earth as a human and suffered a criminals death. He was born for YOU He died for YOU. He loves you so much he died. Trusting God is not an easy thing to do I am not saying its a stroll in the park because it's not I am starting to learn that we need to unlearn what we have learned. Do or Do not there is no try!
I pray you guys have a great week and if you are struggling and need prayer send an email to me and I will write a prayer out for you personally. My email is
~ MM

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Fighting lifes battles

Hey everyone, I know I have failed to post blogs for a while and I apologize for that. I am going to try and do it consistently.

Tonight I want to talk to you about fighting life's battles. Lets face it life is hard. Many people around the world are fighting a battle you don't know about. Some people battle with cancer, some people battle finance issues, or friendship issues. I could name so many more but what do you do that helps you fight your battles? Do you tend to try and push it under the rug in hopes that it will just go away. I will be honest I have done that. I have learned though that running isn't going to get you anywhere but it will get you farther and farther than where you really want to be. I struggle with mental illness and there are some tough battles that I fight. Well recently I was fighting a battle of anxiety and depression. As I look back now I realize I did not trust or have faith that God would provide, in fact I question if God even cared. I stopped going to church I had no desire to go which resulted in more isolation which led to depression. I was running away from something that I should have been running towards. The church is one place I should have stay connected with in that time. The devil was trying to get me down and he was getting there he was getting what he wanted. I think of it as being in a boxing ring your fighting and all of a sudden you get knocked out and your lying there and the referee is count one two.... and usually when he gets to three you have lost and got defeated well I was in that situation except the referee did not get to three. I image my opponent standing there enraged that he thought he won the battle well that opponent was the devil screaming at me " you won't win your just a weakling. But in life if we are at that point we shouldn't just give up we need to get up and face it. You can't run from your problems and so many times in my life I have done that. I am thinking why isn't God hearing me, does he not care about the pain and worry I am feeling? No! He is right there standing next you hoping that you will continue to fight because we get our inner strength not from this world but from God. It's not going to be easy just like saying I want to lose weight I am going to join a gym and your hoping that you will lose weight by one night. Its the same with our faith, if we don't continuously work at our faith then we are going to start thinking and asking ourselves "where's God, does he not care" The stronger are faith the stronger we are we grow our strength through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the only way. He is our redeemer He is our warrior, He is our Father who loves us so much that he died for us. He never gives up on you so we as his children should not give up on him. This is a song I heard that really inspired me and really spoke to me and I hope you enjoy this song. Its called "This is how I  fight my battles" by Micheal W Smith
This is how we fight our battles

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. If you guys have any prayer request or need encouragement you can send me an email at

Mighty Mariah

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Who am I?

Hey Every one, sorry I haven’t been writing lately. So what I want this post to focus on is listening to your heart and God about who you are and who you are meant to be. Who am I? That is the three word phrase a lot of us have trouble trying to grasp. In my personal life I went through and still am trying to answer this question. I know the simple answer to that is I am Mariah and I was born in Guatemala and was adopted when I was 18 months old. I got adopted by Dave and Joan and from there my life began. So that’s the simple answer but who am I, a lot of people have told me I am a very wise person  but I don’t believe it half the time because so many of my choices that I have made in life has been selfish and hurtful to those around me. In High school I was bullied constantly and for the longest time I let that define who I was as a person. I had the belief system of I am just a small weak person who is unable to stand up for herself. That really hurt me and those around me because that is not what they saw. Ephesians 2:10 says we are Gods masterpiece. I read that and have a hard time seeing that because when I look in the mirror I see a small orphan girl who let people walk all over me and told me who I was. But God sees us as a master piece. Think of the famous paintings by Leonardo De Vinci he remains best known for his art, including two paintings that remain among the world’s most famous and admired, Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. I sure it took him a long time and a lot of mess ups to make it be the most beautiful painting. Well the same is with us. God made us and we are his masterpiece we shouldn’t go by the standards of this world but be who God meant for you to be. I am sure he has great plans for each and every one of you. God didn’t just say I need something to just make this world more crowded so I will just put some humans there. Let’s say he did it just so he could get done with his job and move on. He could have done that but he placed every star in the sky and all the fish in the sea and every human in their own unique way. God didn’t just snap his fingers and bam humans are made. He took his time to make each and every one of us. He made us with a define purpose in life and all through are life we are mainly here to worship God praise his Holy name. Share the gospel with those around you. Maybe you are a plumber or a painter and you don’t know what your purpose is, you will find your answer if you look deep inside yourself and spend some quality time with God asking Him to show us our purpose and beware it could blow your mind away. So listen to the voice of truth and listen to your heart. You will find your purpose it won’t be right away but at the right time and place, God will make himself known to you, and through Him we will see ourselves.

Hope you guys have a great weekend



Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mental illness

Hey Mighty Warriors, I hope y'all are doing well. I know its been a while since I have posted but I finally am able to sit down and write one. So I have been living in a program that helps people with mental illness become more independant. I have been here for over a year now and I have seen different sides of different people. I am sure you all know the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" I have seen the hardships of so many things. It has really been an eye opening experience. I have seen people who just struggle with friendship, people who struggle with alchoholism and people that have anger issues and so much more. We are ALL children of God and with that we are called to Love our neighbor as ourself and I can honestly say I didn't know what this meant and now I finally do. Love is an action not an emotion. God loved us so much he sacrificed His own son to die on the cross for us, so that we can live in everlasting peace with him. When I look at my roomates and seeing where they struggle I feel the need to love on them. Because I don't know what battle they are fighting just like they don't know what battles I fight. There are times when we need to just give them grace and encourage them in there walk of life. Life isn't easy and its also not meant to be a solo ride. A couple of months into me living here my roomate one day said "I REALLY NEED JESUS IN MY LIFE" I instantly asked her if she was serious and if she really wanted to know about God. She looked at me and said yes. So I prayed about it and I felt led by God to give this person my bible. She has been reading it and its amazing to see what God is doing in her life. My past roomate was the same way she didnt know where else to turn and I looked at her and said "Christ is waiting with open arms. Two big opportunity to share Christ with those around me and just thinking of the joy in Heaven knowing that two people came to Christ because i showed them Christ like love, grace and all the fruits of the spirit. But may I also say dont give me any of the credit all the credit should be going to God who can turn a mess into a message a trial into a triumph and a victim into a victory. I am blown away at how God is working in the lifes of my roomates and it brings me such joy. How do you show Christ love to those around you. It only takes one action it could be a smile a simple hello or even holding the door for someone. You impact the lives of people everyday just by your kindness and gentleness. Its not easy but God is the one that helps you carry this out.  I encourage you to ask God to show you how to love the unlovable and to reach the unreachable and to do what man can not do but a Mighty Savior can do.
I hope this blog encourages and blesses you.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

An update from Mighty Mariah

Hey Mighty Warriors. Sorry for unable to get a blog update out sooner. I have limited internet time and its very hard to get a blog update out. Know that every single one of you are in my prayers. Be Blessed Mighty Warriors

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Patience is a Virtue

Hey Mighty Warriors, I apologize it has been a while since I wrote my last blog update but I think y'all are really going to enjoy this one. So tonight's blog is about something we all find hard to do and that is being patient. Patience….Patience….Patience we sometimes are going through stuff and sometimes all we hear is "Be patient" and I will admit its a hard thing to learn and do. It is way easier said then done. Let me tell something so I have had a lot of changes with living situations to relationships and even my faith. I spent 3 months at a center and I remember when I got there I was so ready to get things going and start getting into therapy and work on myself so I could get out of there. I remember I had to talk to the therapist on staff first but she wasn't working the first couple days I got there and it was the weekend and I remember it wasn't even Sunday yet and I was already asking the staff "When can we start getting me settled and into group" the staff kept saying to me "I am sorry the therapist won't be in until Monday so your going to have to be patient this weekend. I remember that was the longest week of my life. I was so ready to dive in, get started so I could move on. But then that night I felt God was telling me "Be Still and know that I am God. That was the night I knew this was going to be a long and hard road ahead and one thing I had to get down was how to "Be Still and know that He is God" and BE PATIENT. So the scripture I want to share with you tonight comes from Ephesians 4:2 Hear the Word of the Lord "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Right now I am awaiting to hear for a placement on my living situation and I am struggling with patience but I always say to myself whenever I feel impatient "Be still and know that I am God" It reminds me to trust in Gods timing and not in my own. Sometimes God doesn't give his answer right away to teach us how to be patience but then to also teach us (His beloved children) how to trust in him. So I am going to challenge you whenever you feel impatient look up a bible verse that speaks to you and stick in your pocket and whenever your feeling impatient, anxious or scared read that and soak the words in. I did it until I the verse memorized. Its also a great tool to use for memorizing scripture as well. To end this blog update I will be posting a song that really has spoken to me that last couple of months. Take a listen and enjoy. 
Casting Crowns-Come to the Well
Blessings Mighty Warriors

Friday, June 12, 2015

Good in Goodbye!

Hey Mighty Warriors, How y'all doing tonight?! I hope you guys have had a great week! So todays blog post is about relationships, friendships and maybe for some of you, you can relate from a marriage or divorce stand point. Today's scripture reading comes from John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.My first question to all of you is  " Do any of you see the "good" in goodbye? From my own personal life I can tell you that I now do see the good. I was reading a devotion out of my Beth Moore devotional book and this is the reading. Hear the Word of God:
I wouldn't for a minute minimize the pain of a relationship broken by unreasonable-or, at the very least, unsustainable-expectations. I've knelt with too many weeping women at the altar of my church sanctuary only to learn that they needed prayer over feelings deeply hurt by someone sitting elsewhere in that room. When such a close and dependable relationship is injuriously severed, the knife penetrates to the exact depth we've invited them into our private lives. Indeed, one of the primary reasons we're so wounded is because the person knew what we we were going through and still abandoned us. What I'm about to say can be painful to hear, but I pray that God will use it toward someone's healing: sometimes a person abandons us not in spite of what we're going through, but directly because of it. They either ran out of answers or they ran out of energy and no longer had the wherewithal to go through it with us. If our helping friends actually did something that overtly wronged us, they bear responsibility before God for that. But if they wronged us only by running out of fuel and dropping out of the struggle, we might need to realize they've done all they felt they could humanly do and let them go without bitterness or anger. 
Our friendships and our spouses are only human, and our expectations for them-especially when we're hurting - can require superhuman insight and strength. No wonder they let us down. Just remember Mighty Warriors that Jesus the one who came and died for you He won't every say goodbye and He will never abandon you. HE LOVES YOU!!!!!! He loves you enough to die for you to save you and most of all to redeem you! Live in that truth Mighty Warriors.

I have had a lot of friends and adults abandon me in my life because of the way I act and just more for the fact they couldn't bear to be my friend anymore. I have spent many nights awake asking myself "Do they care about me? I wonder if they miss me" Truth is in my mind I think they will come back but deep down in my heart I know they ain't coming back. IT all happened within a blink of an eye. I held onto a friendship and it ended in the worst way possible. Yes I still see this friend at church but I am terrified of her. I don't know what to say or how to act around her. It's like she is just there waiting for me to screw up and so she can make fun of me. Mighty Warriors relationships and friendships there hard. My mom always told me find good friends, have good fun and enjoy the moments. My moments with friends were always traumatizing and I don't say that with any exaggeration I mean being bullied took a huge toll on my life and than having adults also walk out of my life in some way has damaged my view on friendships. I will be honest I find it hard to trust people. Because I live in that fear of being abandoned. Two adult women gone from my life in a blink of an eye its hard. But with my time living at the facility I am at has in a way helped me see the good in the goodbyes I had to say. I pray for all you mighty warriors who maybe are in this same boat right now. I pray God brings his calming peace into your life and may your life not be bitter because of what your relationships have broken inside of you. May you see the good in where you are at in your life and maybe one day you will look up to the sky and say "Thank God we aren't friends anymore" or "Thank God I didn't marry that man/women. God has your life planned. He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you Hope and a Future.
That's my weekend blog update I hope y'all enjoy it.
The song I want you to look up is Carrie Underwood "Good in Goodbye"
This song really speaks to me in so many ways. I am so thankful for this womens strong faith and for her wisdom and knowledge.
Blessings to all